Do you want a pen with engraving? Read this.

It is popular to engrave a shorter text on a pen, either for one self or as a gift. Here at Ballograf we engrave many pens every month, which means we got some tips and advice for those who is planning to buy an engraved pen.

First of all – what does engraving mean?

The engraving on pencils is a so-called jewelry engraving where you carve into the pen. This engraving is suitable for small orders. All engraving is made and customized, making each pen completely unique. We also take into account the size and look of the pen’s design. We have extensive experience of engraving pens and our experts will make sure that the engraving will be good on that particular pen you have chosen.

So, what to engrave..?

Name engraving is the most common one, but there are nice examples with everything from weekdays and dates to small greetings and quotes.

But consider the limitations:

  • 22 characters is maximum, with spaces included.
  • Approved characters are A-Z / a-z, 0-9, å/ä/ö/Å/Ä/Ö/é / è / Æ / æ / ü.
  • Lowercase / uppercase letters, slanted or regular letters.

How will it look?

For the most part the color depends on what material the pen is made of. All pens that are chromed, including all engraved Ballograf pens, get a discreet jewelry engraving. A simple and stylish text on the pen.

On varnished pens such as Cross and Sheaffer, you will get a brass-colored engraving.

Which pens can be engraved?

The pens that can be engraved are those that have metal or chrome parts.

Here is a list of models from our website:

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