62 years and almost new to Ballograf- only eight years have passed since Jamil Goria started at the factory. Many of his colleagues have worked here much longer.
Jamil is Ballograf’s very own romantic. While he maintains the Epoca machine and refill parts for the pens, he is more than happy to talk about life and love.
When he came to Ballograf eight years ago, he worked with the Rondo machine. Now it is moved up to Filipstad, Jamil instead takes care of Epoca and the washing machine that cleans all metal parts from the oil used during manufacture. But at Ballograf everyone is helping with most things, so Jamil is a bit of a factotum.
– The Rondo machine was easy to work with, it is a bit newer than what the machine that makes the Epoca, says Jamil. Older machines like the Epoca really have a personality to adapt to.
Maybe that’s why his favorite pen is Rondo, especially Rondo Elegance in rose gold.
– It is a bit…, it gets quiet behind us and Jamil turns to the paused machine – a pen is stuck and needs some assistance.
– It’s a bit heavier than Epocan, and nice to write with.
The problem is that many people no longer care about a nice pen. The computers take over. Fortunately, all countries are not as digital as Sweden – in many parts of the world, the pen is still an important part of everyday life.
– It is a pity that the pen is being competed out. But Ballograf stands up for good quality!

Ballograf neither wants nor tries to make the cheapest pens on the market. Quality cannot compete with low-cost pens.
On the question of why Ballograf is nevertheless appreciated by customers, Jamil believes that it is the quality of the pen that cannot be compared with others. Lifetime warranty is not many others who have. The ink is good (one of the best in the world. ed. note.), And the pen is easy to write with.
– The pens are simply perfect, he says and laughs.
Tips from Jamil: Don’t forget that the pen has a lifetime guarantee! And remember that there are many colors to choose from, there is a pen for everyone.