The best YouTube clips involving pens from Ballograf

There is a lot to find on YouTube for those who are interested in Ballograf pens. In this post we have collected the ones we like a bit more.

1. Matilda Fryxell Art

Matilda creates a portrait in this video using Ballograf Rondo.

It’s always impressive to see how a picture is emerging, from sketch to finished artwork.

Do you also use our pens for drawing? Tag your photos and movies with #ballografartart in social media for the opportunity to get featured!

2. 2018 Pen Gift Guide: Under $10

A video by Sal in New York that offers tips on 2018 best pens to give as gifts. Of course, he has an Epoca among his recommendations.

3. Ballograf: How do you make a ballpoint pen?

The Swedish tv-show “Hjärnkontoret” made a reportage to show how a ballpointpen is actually made.

Welcome behind the scenes to the Swedish factory and see all the steps like plastic molding, assembly, and more.

4. Why The Ballograf Rondo Pen Has Stuck Around for 25 Years

Sal is a diligent user of, among others, Ballograf. In this video he tells you about what he likes with both the Epoca and Rondo. He also gives advise if you’d like to change the refill to another brand.

5. Why This Perfectly Designed Pen Has Stuck Around Since the 60s

In this video Sal goes through the different variants available of Epoca. Which one is your favorite?

6. My Life in Pens: 2 Ballograf

A nice little video about a boy who got a Ballograf as a kid and not realized its greatness until adulthood.

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