Three tips to not lose your favorite pen

Once you have bought a pen that you really like, the joy can quickly turn into a worry about losing the pen. What can you do to prevent this from happening?

1. Chain it

Our Deskset was ordered by the Swedish banks back in the days so that customers could not take the pen with them too easily.

Why the Deskset is difficult to lose:

  • You do not put away a Deskset anywhere.
  • You can’t lend it, and then don’t get it back.
  • You do not put it in the bag and do not find it again
  • It cannot be put in a pocket and fall out
  • It sounds a lot if it actually falls to the ground

2. Engave your name on the pen

Many of our customers put name tags on their pens in order not to get rid of the pen. But it is much fancier to engrave your name, right? Sure, to engrave your pen won’t help you if you drop the pen on the bus or careless leave it around, but no one will be able to borrow it without being reminded to also return it to you.

Do you want a pen with engraving? Read this.

3. Make it indispensable

By making sure the pen is important to you, you will notice that it does not disappear as easily. Your wallet, phone, keys, your watch, these are things that you do not lose so often. It is because they are important in your everyday life, right?

What if it still get lost?

We know, pens are not that big, it is easy to put them in all possible places. Sometimes people might take the pen(with purpose or not). Our only tip here is to have a backup. Make sure you have spare pens in case one disappears.
However, we know from experience that sometimes a pen means something extra. Every week we are contacted by customers who want to send in their pens on repair or service, as the pen they got in the wedding- / gaduation-/birthday present is so important to them.

A pen is so much more.

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