What is the thing about Cross?

How come Ballograf sells pens from Cross? It’s a question we get sometimes, and it’s time we tell the story.

Quick answers first:

  • Ballograf is the Swedish distributor of Cross.
  • Just like Ballograf, Cross gives a life time guarantee on their pens. It says a lot about what quality one can expect from a pen. Cross make fantastic pens, which Ballograf is more than happy to encourage.

The story of Cross

Cross is the oldest pen manufacturer in the United States, founded in 1846 by Richard Cross, starting out with jewelry making. The company later began to make innovative pencil solutions, and was one of the first manufacturers of mechanical pencils. Sheaffer was bought by Cross in November 2014, and is also included in our range of quality pens.

Just like Ballograf has long and good relationship with both the Swedish Government and the royal family, Cross is the official provider of pens to the White House since the 70’s.

George W. Bush and Clinton used Cross Townsend, the same pen Obama also had, until he started using Century II, which also is preferred by the current president Trump.

When to choose a pen from Cross

Although we obviously want to recommend our own Ballograf pens in all situations, there are times when Cross will be a better choice.

Here are some examples:

The fact that Ballograf is a Swedish distributor to Cross is simply because we know, as the only pen manufacturer in the Nordic countries, what is good writing quality.

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